Orthodontic Emergencies

Dental Emergencies in Parker & Castle Rock, CO

Because our teeth are so important in our day-to-day lives, and some issues may cause discomfort, it is hard to distinguish what constitutes an orthodontic emergency. If you experience an orthodontic emergency—such as a broken or lost appliance—we urge you to call our office as soon as possible. We have offices in Parker and Castle Rock, CO.

If you need to cut a wire in case of emergency, we recommend using fingernail clippers that have been washed and sterilized in alcohol. You may also need to slide a bracket off at night or over a weekend before you are able to come to our office. Please call our office on the next business day so we can schedule an appointment for you.

Even if you have a regular appointment scheduled soon, please call us immediately so we can get you taken care of. We will also be able to provide you with any needed instructions on what to do until you can come to see our orthodontist.

No one wants to cry wolf, but you also shouldn’t ignore any serious issues, so below are two lists to help classify the urgency of seeking treatment.

What is Considered an Orthodontic Emergency?

  • Loose Bracket or Band – This could eventually lead to them falling off, which could be a potential choking hazard.
  • Broken or Lost Appliance – Appliances are in for a reason, so breaking or losing them will allow the teeth to begin to shift
  • Severe Pain – A lot of orthodontic treatments have some pain or discomfort associated with them, so first, try some over-the-counter pain medicine. If the unbearable pain persists, contact us.
  • Lost Separators – Many patients lose a separator over the course of their treatment. If you lose a separator, call our office to see if it needs to be replaced.
  • Poking Wires or Wire Irritations – In most cases, these can be alleviated on your own. If the wire is irritating your cheeks or gums, you can move it away from the irritated area by using a cotton swab or eraser. If you cannot move the wire, cover the end of it with a small piece of cotton or wax to relieve irritation. If the wire is still painful, you can cut it with nail clippers or scissors that have been washed and sterilized in alcohol. If you need to cut the wire or cannot resolve the wire irritation, call us for an appointment.

What Is a Dental Emergency?

  • Abscess – An abscess in your mouth can be very dangerous, so immediately come in once recognized.
  • Chipped or Cracked Teeth – As much as you might want to get this fixed immediately, this does not constitute an emergency unless accompanied with severe pain that persists after taking the maximum recommended dosage of an over-the-counter pain medication.
  • Lost Crown or Filling – Unless severe pain is present, losing a crown or filling is not an emergency. It is best to make an appointment as soon as possible, but it can usually wait a few days.
  • Toothache – An aching tooth generally is not an emergency if the pain subsides with over-the-counter pain medication. However, if the pain is unbearable after taking the recommended maximum dosage, come and see us.
  • Tooth Falls Out – This does not pose an immediate risk to your health, but if you can make it to us with the tooth within 30-45 minutes of losing it, we might be able to save it if you follow these steps:
    • Do not touch the root
    • Wash off any debris
    • Keep the tooth moist by trying to fit it back into the socket, putting it in your cheek, or a glass of milk. DO NOT use tap water.
    • Get to us ASAP

Does Insurance Cover a Dental Emergency?

In most cases, a dental emergency will fall under a patient’s standard coverage, but don’t bank on this. Everyone should check with their insurance provider to see what is covered, so they know what to expect should an emergency arise.

Dental Emergencies

If you experience these or any other types of orthodontic emergencies, we encourage you to call our team at 303-841-2262 as soon as possible. We are here to provide the care you need at both our Parker and Castle Rock, CO locations!